IKKI Newinn


Introduction to the Newinn Karate Club

Tony Dolphin Sensei, 5th Dan Karate, 5th Dan Kobudo is the head instructor at the Newinn Karate club. Tony began karate in the Social Centre Gym, Ballinasloe in 1976 under Richard Hayes Sensei and ranked to Shodan in 1983. In 1981, he travelled to Toronto, Canada where he trained with Shihan Kei Tsumura, Chief Instructor of Canada.
Tony Sensei is the President of Itosu-kai Karatedo Ireland and is a consultant to Itosu-ryu Karatedo International Federation (IKIF). He holds a Level 1 in Karate Coaching (ONAKAI) and has attended refereeing courses (ONAKAI) and IKKI. He has also competed in Itosu-ryu World/International Championships, Tokyo 2002, Los Angeles 2005, Malaysia 2009, Osaka 2013 and Shanghai 2017.


Newinn Dojo Location: New Inn Sports Complex, New Inn, Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.

Class times: Karate Class: Fridays, 6.30 – 8.30pm.

Contact: Tony Sensei on 0872608055. Email: tonydolphinn@gmail.com

Drop in any Friday before, during or after class or make contact by mobile or email.